Stralsund, workshops phase b start!

Stralsund, Workshops Phase B start!Found letters – writing workshop Do you like writing? This writing workshop will give you tips on how to write in an exciting and lively way. In addition to teaching writing skills, there are also writing games and exercises to stimulate your creativity. The course takes place in cooperation with Kreisvolkshochschule […]
Workshop series in Greifswald starts!
We are happy to announce that another workshop series of our project will start on 25.10.2023! With Hassan Altiziny, we were able to win a wonderfully competent person as workshop leader. Among other things, Mr. Altiziny works as a teacher for German as a foreign language and is also a researcher on topics such as […]
Rostock workshop series is in the starting blocks!
On 17.10.2023 our workshop series starts in Rostock under the direction of Omid Naghavi. Mr. Naghavi taught Persian literature in Iran for more than 10 years at universities in Karaj and Tehran. In addition to his university teaching activities, Mr. Naghavi also taught literary criticism and was involved as an editor and expert in various […]
First texts have been created!
Texts were created in the very first workshop in Stralsund. Actually, only single words were supposed to serve as self-descriptions in the context of an acrostic. However, we underestimated the participants‘ desire to write! See for yourself:
Stralsund und Bergen, workshops start!
Our writing workshops in cooperation with the Kreisvolkshochschule Vorpommern-Rügen are in the starting blocks. On 25.08.2023, the workshop series led by Dr. Gabriela Heidenreich will begin in Stralsund. One week later, on 05.09.2023, Gaia Born starts with the workshops in Bergen auf Rügen! Currently, registration for the workshop in Stralsund is still possible. Registration for […]
Meeting at the 29th March 2023
LiteraturRat M-V and the project „Gefundene Briefe – letters found“ invite you to the conference „Migration and Writing“. The conference will take place on Wednesday, the 29th of March at the Peter-Weiss-Haus Rostock.A year ago the last conference of the LiteraturRat M-V focused on the necessary requirements for literary production in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In 2023 we […]